Backup/Restore using PostgreSQL database in linux
This document contains steps to perform backup and restore operations of OPNBI Database with PostgreSQL database in linux platform.
Links usefull for backup and restore data are listed here,
There are 2 ways we can perform this,
Using terminal
PgAdmin application
1. Using terminal
List of commands used to perform backup and restore operation are listed below,
List All clusters running on your machine by rinning this command
will list all the Postgres clusters running on your deviceif the Status shown is down in your case, restart PostgreSQL service.
Here ver displayed in Postgres clusters is the version of postgres database installed in machine
Use this command to restart service
sudo pg_ctlcluster 14 main start
& then execute commandpg_lsclusters
to check status of Postgres clusters.Here 14 is the version displayed in Postgres clusters list. provide version number which you want to start service.
You can skip this restart command if Status is online
Please refer this link for your reference. Click Here
Log into the default PostgreSQL user called postgres. If you have different user name enter user name accordingly before executing this command.
sudo su - postgres
If you are connected to PostgreSQL and want to see details of the connection, use the command:
exit from postgres user to take backup of database. use
and hit enter command to exit.take a backup file of postgres database by executing below command,
pg_dump postgres > postgres_backup.bak
Here pg_dump is used to take dump of database postgres and on the right side of arrow operator is name of backup file.
Your database is succesfully backup if no errors are displayed.
To restore postgres backup file (.bak) format follow below steps;
Open terminal log into the default PostgreSQL user called postgres. If you have different user name enter user name accordingly before executing this command.
sudo su - postgres
Execute below command to restore postgres database from .bak file;
psql backup < postgres_backup.bak
Here backup is name of the database where you want to restore backup database and on the right side of arrow operator is name of backup file.
Your database is succesfully restored if no errors are displayed.
For Docker Users
- Pull docker image of postgres database
docker pull postgres
If you already have docker image of postgresql, skip this step
- Get the list if docker images for postgres
docker ps
you will see container ID as gievn in below code,
2328ea11890d postgres "docker-entrypoint.s…" 46 hours ago Up 19 seconds 5432/tcp some-postgres
Connect with postgres containerID
PS C:\Users\aivhu> docker exec -it 2328ea11890d bash
Install updates once you connect with container
root@2328ea11890d:/# apt update
Install Postgres database
root@2328ea11890d:/# apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib
Check postgresql installed version
root@2328ea11890d:/# apt show postgresql
Switch over to the postgres account on your server by typing:
root@2328ea11890d:/# su - postgres
You can now access the PostgreSQL prompt immediately by typing:postgres@2328ea11890d:~$ psql
Our database does not have any tables yet. We can verify this by asking PostgreSQL to give us a listing of the available tables with this command:
11.Now that you know how to connect to the PostgreSQL database system, you can learn some basic Postgres management tasks.
The basic syntax for creating tables is as follows:
CREATE TABLE table_name (
column_name1 col_type (field_length) column_constraints,
column_name2 col_type (field_length),
column_name3 col_type (field_length)
As you can see, these commands give the table a name, and then define the columns as well as the column type and the max length of the field data. You can also optionally add table constraints for each column.
You can learn more about how to create and manage tables in Postgres here.
For demonstration purposes, create the following table:
CREATE TABLE playground (
equip_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
type varchar (50) NOT NULL,
color varchar (25) NOT NULL,
location varchar(25) check (location in ('north', 'south', 'west', 'east', 'northeast', 'southeast', 'southwest', 'northwest')),
install_date date
You can see your new table by typing:
to see created table in database postgresNow that you have a table, you can insert some data into it. As an example, add a slide and a swing by calling the table you want to add to, naming the columns and then providing data for each column, like this:
INSERT INTO playground (type, color, location, install_date) VALUES ('slide', 'blue', 'south', '2017-04-28');
INSERT INTO playground (type, color, location, install_date) VALUES ('swing', 'yellow', 'northwest', '2018-08-16');
Retrieve the information you’ve added by typing:
SELECT * FROM playground;
Exit from postgresql by typing
and enterPostgreSQL includes a utility called "pg_dump" that can be used to dump database information into a file for backup purposes.
The pg_dump utility is run from the Linux command line. The basic syntax of the command is:
postgres@2328ea11890d:~$ pg_dump postgres > postgres_backup.bak
Create new DB for restoring backup file
postgres@BhaumikLaptop:~$ createdb backup
If you already have database to restore the backup file, skip this step
To restore a backup created by pg_dump, you can redirect the file into psql standard input:
postgres@BhaumikLaptop:~$ psql backup < postgres_backup.bak
login to backup user to check datarestored or not:
postgres@BhaumikLaptop:~$ psql -d backup
Check database created type:
backup=# \d
and it will show tables backed up in this database from backup file