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Introduction to Supported File Type :-

  • Using File Types option Administrator can create a file in different formats such as docx, jasper, json, rptdocument, xls, etc.

  • An administrator can define their own custom file type as well.

  • File Types tab can be accessed from the main menu. File Types and other sections under the Administration tab are only visible if the appropriate privileges have been assigned to the logged in user, please contact your administrator if you facing difficulties accessing the sections under the Administration tab.

Supported File Type contains following features:-

1️⃣ Create File Type enables users to create File Type as per requirements.

2️⃣ Edit File Type enables users to do modification in existing File Type.

4️⃣ Delete File Type allows users to Delete the File Type.

In order to understand in detail about the features, click on the following links:-

1. 💷 Create File Type

2. 📝 Edit File Type

4. ❌ Delete File Type