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Selected Column Functions


This document talks about features avaialble in selected column area of the table widget. We will learn about each and every feature with various use cases


The objective of this document is to guide you through Selected column feature of table widget. there are many features in selected column section of table widget;

  1. Expression

  2. Alias

  3. Width

  4. Hide Menu

  5. Hide Column

  6. Header Style

  7. Pinned Column

  8. What's Format

  9. Class

We will see these features in this document.

1. Expression

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2. Alias

Alias is display name which end user can see. By default Alias is same as column name of the table.

While developing a database for a system, developer used to follow some naming convention. But end user often unaware of this naming conventions so he might get confused what data the column is representing. for example, there is a column having name product_code shows unique code for each product in database. here underscode is provided instead of blank space to separate 2 words. this is because in database, you can not provide space in column name. that is why developer provided underscode. But for business user representing data with technical kind of name is not impressive and does't looks good. To overcome this confusion, we have provided an option to change display name of column using Alias.


Applying alias to a column will not change column name in your database. this changes is only limited to application it self. opnbi do not have rights to change or modify anything in your database.

To Provide a display name, opn edit properties of table widget and you can see selected column in selected column field.

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Double click on any alias name you want to change and it will open a edit box where you can change or apply new display name.

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Provide name here and hit enter to close this edit box

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As soon as you hit enter, you can see changes are refelcted in table column name instantly.

Click on save and exit to save the changes and click on preview button to go in dashboard preview.

Likewise user can change display name as per his requirement using alias feature.

3. Width

This feature is used to provide static width of the columns selected in table widget. By Default width of each column is set to 200 pixels.

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If your column name is grater than 200px then table widget will not display full name. it will display name of some length and truncate remaining characters. in this case if you want to show full length of name in table widget, you need to change the width of columns from width option. to change width of a column, double click on width option for that column and field will be editable. increase width and hit enter. as soon as you hit enter you will see column width is increased.

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click on save and exit to save the changes.


This setting will not effect in case when Auto Size Columns is enabled. Auto Size Columns feature is available in widget setting under Miscellaneous Properties


User can also wrap column name by enabling Text Wrap property available at table edit > Formatting > Miscellaneous Properties. to do so, select Theme = Header along with Text Wrap

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4. Hide Menu

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5. Hide Column

This feature will be used to hide column displaying in to table widget. In certain cenario when user want to do certain kind of filtering or calculative operations on perticular column but user do not want to display this column to end users. One way to hiding column from diaplaying is by not selecting column from list of columns or delete column from selected columns area of the table. but by doing so, user will not be able to perform calculations and filtering operations as user haven't selected column. to overcome this limitation, opnbi has provided a feature to hide column from end user and user wil be able to do operations on that column.

In table widget edit properties, scroll to right side and user will see hide column property for each column selected. by default, all column marked as false in hide column so all selected columns will be displayed.

To hide specific column, double click on hide column option against specific column and field becomes editable.

Remove false , type true and hit enter. as soon as you hit enter, you will notice, that column is now hidden in table widget.

Here we have first column of country and applied hide column setting true for this column. and you can see in below image, column country is hidden and first column displayed here is Country Code column.

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6. Header Style

This feature is not yet released in opnbi

7. Pinned Column

Pinned column feature is used to pin required column on the left most or right most side of a table widget. By default this feature has blank value.

In order to pin a column to left side, double click against required column in Pinned column area and type left in small case. hit enter to apply chages and you can see required column is pinned to left side of a table widget.

In order to pin a column to right side, double click against required column in Pinned column area and type right in small case. hit enter to apply chages and you can see required column is pinned to right side of a table widget.


User can pin multiple column on right and left side of a table widget

8. What's Format

This feature is not yet released in opnbi

9. Class

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