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Miscellaneous Properties

Pie Chart Miscellaneous Properties

dash box

  1. Loading Label: This loading label function contain a text box in which user can add their custom message when widget contains no data.
  • By default, this message is saved as 'Widget contains no data'. There are multiple reasons when this message will be displayed.

  • if widget contains no data for specified filter condition.

  • No data available in database.

  • Dataset query issue or network issue.

  • Datasource connection issue.

  • Whatever message user write here will be displayed when there is no data in widget.

dash box

  1. Auto size Columns: This function is used to auto size column width of table widget. User can adjust width of all columns as per the content available in column with this function.
  • Refer below image which is without auto sizing settings applied.

dash box

  • Now mark auto size columns checkbox from Miscellaneous properties, as shown in figure below:

dash box

Save this changes and go to preview mode. Refer below screenshot:

dash box

  • In above screenshot, you can see all the columns are resized as per the content available in column.