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Notifications are the actions to notify a specific piece of information or the method in which notice is given to the particular user.

Notifications is the sub-section under the Request Section of the OPNBI application. The Notifications section can be accessed by clicking on Notifications to open in the same window or to open in a new window simply click on new window Icon next to the Notifications tab.

Notifications contains three different types:

1. Approvals

Here user can find all the approval requests generated by other users. Approval requests can be generated by means of any scheduling activity. Request Approval is exit point of any kind of scheduling request. Scheduling request will not complete till requested user provide approval. Requested user can view reports before approving it and can also add comments on that request.

Explore more about Approvals, click here -->

2. Messages

All Instant messages sent to owner user will fall under Message Sub section. Instant Messages are way to communicate with OPNBI users within this application. user can view, Reply, Forward and comment on message received.

Explore more about Messages, click here -->

3. Alerts

Alert stores all scheduling events status like report scheduled successfully, report Approved by user and incomming approval request. User can track here when approval provided and on what time

Explore more about Alerts, click here -->

4. Notification Icons

Notification sections contains list of icons on the top right corner of notification section. You will see list of options like below image;

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  • First is refresh icon used to refresh current view and shows you updated data

  • Second is Instant Message. User can send instant message to any internal user from here

  • Third is Select User, used to view notification requests of selected user. Logged in user can view notifications of any other user by just selecting user from dropdown.

  • Fourth is Notification icon. User can enable and disable popup alerts in OPNBI

  • Fifth icon is for Quick Link. it shows all quick links created in order to redirect across the sections quickly.

  • Sixth icon is help icon. If you stuck anywhere or need help from OPNBI experts, just click on help icon and it will redirect you to OPNBIHub website. you can connect with online chat support from this website.